Mount Sibayak is an active stratovolcano located in North Sumatra. Its accessibility and its proximity to North Sumatra's capital, Medan, make it a very popular destination for Indonesian, as well as international hikers who want to marvel at its seething crater and enjoy the astonishing views from its top.Being in Medan, I wouldn't let the opportunity to visit that … [Read more...]
Two days in the Sultanate of Brunei
Since that time I first remember myself being introduced to the world's geography and history, my curiosity was always keenly animated by the prospect of visiting that tiny sovereign state, situated on the north coast of Borneo, called Brunei.It was something about the aged stories of the powerful Bruneian empire reigning across Borneo and the South Sea, narrated … [Read more...]
How to Climb Mount Kinabalu for Free
Contemplating on climbing Mount Kinabalu? Have already researched and, coming from a place of the world where mountains are still free and not subjected to the irrational claims of some arbitrary power, found the demands of Kinabalu National Park authorities extravagant, absurd and ludicrous? Not feeling rich or stupid enough to concede to such abusing claims, but … [Read more...]
When I climbed Mount Kinabalu
With a great vividness infusing my body and a glorious joy animating my mood I got up that morning. My whole existence was permeated by that exalted feeling a man naturally experiences when just about to meet with a great mountain. The great mountain with which I was ready to rendezvous that day was the legendary Kinabalu mountain. Reaching an elevation of 4096m, Kinabalu is … [Read more...]
Before Climbing Mount Kinabalu
Upon landing at the airport of Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah state in northeastern Borneo, the pondering of one issue was monopolizing my head: how was I to climb the all-notorious Mount Kinabalu? The complication of conquering the summit of this majestic mountain does not lie in any actual, technical difficulties, rather in the arbitrary and ridiculous attitude of the … [Read more...]
Impressions of my stay in Jakarta
Stopping by Indonesia's capital city for a few days some time ago, I didn't have the time to do any typical tourist activities - nor am I generally inclined to do any such anyway. Along the uncounted sweaty kilometers I got to cover through various of the city's districts, either walking or riding ojeks, though, I got the chance to observe several of the many curious stuff … [Read more...]
Living in a Traditional Market in Makassar, Sulawesi
How sadly, everything sooner or later needs to take an end. And when it concerns adventuring on an Indonesian island, this end could not outstrip the one month's validity of my Indonesian visa. So, my visa soon to expire, I ended up in Makassar, Sulawesi's largest city, where I spent my last few days on that magical island, before flying out in seek of new adventures … [Read more...]
Climbing Mount Rantemario in Latimojong Mountains in Sulawesi
Mount Rantemario, reaching an elevation of 3478 m, is the highest point in Latimojong mountain range in South Sulawesi, as well as the highest mountain of Sulawesi altogether. Due to its remoteness is sparsely visited by anybody, so it can be a great destination for one seeking profound wilderness. One could possibly find a few tour operators to take care of the … [Read more...]
Traveling in Sulawesi by Bus from Poso to Palopo
Travelling in Sulawesi is far from easy. Arriving at the bus station (or something like that anyway) of the city of Poso, the other day, at about 7 am, I was well mentally prepared for the long day awaiting me. To cover the 310 km from Poso in the central Sulawesi region to Palopo in the south one, would, according to the bus people, require about 12-14 hours of driving. … [Read more...]
Stuck amid the Terrorists in Wuasa, Sulawesi
Being already for some time in Palu, one day I judged that it was about the right time to get moving and start my way southwards through the island of Sulawesi. My first destination would be, as it turned out by these haphazard circumstances typically occurring when travelling, the Lore Lindu lake. So, one fair morning, I and two friends found ourselves striving to communicate … [Read more...]