We are humans raised under an all-enveloping system of humanistic ideals which has taught us to appreciate and worship our privacy and individuality.A lot of buzz has been generated amongst us to express concerns about our threatened privacy over the unfolding of the technological/historical events of the past couple of decades. Modern means of data distribution has made it … [Read more...]
Fight against Globalization??
It seems there is an overwhelmingly prevalent current in human opinion urging to fight against globalization.Not surprising. Human has always shown to be reluctant to change throughout history. Especially when change concerns the fundamental structure of society - for some reason - perhaps because it is a kind of blueprint for the fundamental nature of Self - the vast majority … [Read more...]
Why did humans develop large brains? – Bipedalism, hands, and data processing
Why did humans, out of all the vast variety of living creatures on earth, become the only species to develop such large and complex brains?Though somewhat intuitively - I have to admit - the answer to this question seems to me rather clear and straightforward: because they were the only creatures who had a use for a large brain. … [Read more...]
Most Striking Contradictions in the Gospels among the Four Evangelists
This article is not concerned with any contradictions to be found between the Old and the New Testament; nor any between the Gospels and other, subsequent books of the New Testament; nor any between the Gospels and positive history or common sense. Here are only enumerated some of the most striking contradictions to be read in the four Gospels; instances where the four … [Read more...]
Are you always happy?
How! Are you always happy? I don't know what to say... What you are now saying makes me feel a bit uneasy, kind of disappointed of myself... And that's why it necessitates - I tell you, I cannot help it - to me that feeling for you... that feeling that I so much loath... That feeling that I could never tolerate it being felt for me by anybody, and I most sincerely wish … [Read more...]
Two Mornings
Remember that morning?… Well, it’s not really a morning, technically. Darkness is still prevalent and absolute. If it wan’t for that gigantic mass of concrete with the countless tiny holes you are accustomed to call windows, which makes an impervious barrier between the sky and the tiny hole on one of the four walls enclosing that limited piece of space you are accustomed to … [Read more...]
The moving of peoples and the migrant crisis
Human belongs to the animal kingdom, members of which differ from plants in one main point: their motility, or their ability to move. Unlike plants, which can feed themselves stationarily through photosynthesis, animals need to transpose themselves in order to survive. Through the long process of evolution, animals have developed their moving abilities to extraordinary … [Read more...]
Alone in the Unknown
There is a feeling of such an inexplicable essence. A feeling so bizarre, that it could not possibly be given a name. Neither could one call it borrowing a name from another termed feeling, as, this feeling, it is so unique it does not resemble to any other in the least. Yet, is so real... After you have felt it once, there is no way you could ever doubt its existence. This is … [Read more...]
Moveo ergo vitam gusto
Verbal Confirmation To be, to have, to think, to move — which of these verbs is the one you feel most connected to? Or is there another verb that characterizes you better? ''Cogito ergo sum'' stated Rene Descartes in order to postulate his existence; ''cogito quod sum et tunc solum sum'' one might state in order to postulate his non-existense outside the realm of his thoughts … [Read more...]