What is a pied mob doing assembled in the middle of a remote field?
The sun is setting adorning the meadows around with warm, lively colours. Taking advantage of the last light, you throw a glance at the landscape around. Soon it’s dark and tomorrow nothing will be the same. The music is on and the first attendants are already in front of the stage indulging their bodies in the rhythm, and assisting the dry soil to escape gravity and dance in grotesque formations as it’s rising through the last sunbeams up to the sky. The sun has set. The music is getting louder. More and more people are scurrying down to the stage. Lysergide has started penetrating into the blood. It’s rave time!
It’s dark for good now. The southern cross has made its appearance in the night sky. The bass and the synchronized trampling makes the ground shake rhythmically all around. Everything is so funny now. The grass and the little flowers are gambolling, telling jokes in their means of communication, which is for tonight perfectly understood. Everything… people, plants, earth, the sky seems to be joining in the feast, composing a supernatural symphony. There is no time now. There is no space. Everything is here and now. This is rapture.
The sun is appearing pouring the first light over the field. This field wasn’t here yesterday. Nothing of what’s becoming visible around was yesterday in existence. A brand new world is getting begotten this very morning. This world is more beautiful, more blissful, and so much peaceful. The party is keeping on for good. You can see around all these different faces, carrying all these different expressions, generated by all these happy souls. You haven’t seen any of them before, but you feel with certainty that you have always been knowing them. Everybody and everything are sharing the same euphoria. You don’t want to leave. You don’t want to go anywhere. It is nice here. Let’s trance!